Hello welcome to our website. As you can see we love to create impactful images and tailor the style to the clients needs. This is an overview of our basic prices please contact us for a bespoke shoot price .
UK rates | First Hour | Additional Hours | Half Day | Full Day | |||||
Bronze | £140.00 | £57.00 | £325.00 | £570.00 | |||||
Silver | £160.00 | £79.00 | £377.00 | £629.00 | |||||
Gold | £200.00 | £119.00 | £489.00 | £819.00 | |||||
Platinum | £330.00 | £197.00 | £987.00 | £1567.00 | |||||
Headshots starts at £175.00 then Bronze Additional Hour Rates
Video Show Reels /Adverts Start at Gold Rates , hourly editing is Charge at Silver Additional Hours rate.
A half day is typically 4 hrs and a full day typically 7.5 hrs
We usually round up to a full hour
Most of our work is charged at the Standard rate
Commercial photography prices are in GBP and are valid as of April 2023
Our standard
What you pay for
The commercial photography prices quoted above are an ‘all inclusive’ price – we will not make any additional charges for standard processing (which should be all you need) OR usage/license fees. Expenses are charged for sites outside of our area – please see the details below.
What you’ll receive for the prices above:
- Our expertise and time to take your photographs – your costs are based on how long it takes us to shoot your images
- Basic processing – your images will be cropped, edited for colour balance, basic sharpening and, as necessary, corrected for geometry. In general it takes (at least) as long to process/edit your photos as it does to take them and this time is not charged as an extra
- Supply of your high resolution images – usually electronically, but CDs/DVDs are available on request
- A license/the right to use your images – we do not normally place any time restrictions on how long you can use the images or how many times you use them, BUT there may be restrictions on HOW you use them and these will be detailed in your quote (this restriction usually only applies to large scale, world-wide, non-web advertising campaigns)
- Free post-production advice
Any expenses will be clearly detailed on your quote, but in general:
- We charge mileage for all projects outside of our area at £0.75 per mile
- We charge travel time for all projects over 2 hours away from our base . We charge nothing for the first 2 hours (in each direction) then 30.00 for each additional hour (in each direction) – rounded up to the full hour
- Tolls and access charges may be charged at cost.
- Hotels and expenses (if required) are charged at cost
Processing costs
- Basic image processing – cropping, editing for colour balance, basic sharpening and corrections for geometry – is included in the price you pay for us to take your photos.
- Enhanced image processing and Photoshop work – IF required – is charged at £79 per hour or part thereof